Meet Paul

A Personal Note from Paul

Nice to meet you!

Perhaps you’re on a mission, like I am.

Inspired by my late father (my hero) that I lost at 19 years old, I’m on a mission of impact, to leave people and places better than I found them.

I see every day as an opportunity to breathe life into others, something that’s never been more needed in the world than it is today.

After a career in the high-stakes world of executive sports leadership, I’ve found my true calling as a speaker, writer, and inspirer of those who want to WIN MONDAY and play offense in their lives and careers.

I can’t wait to get to know you and your team.

See you at the 50!


Bio Highlights &
Fun Facts:

🚥 2x Bestselling author, The Power of Playing Offense and Better Decisions Faster
🚥 Success Magazine Top Speaker that Gets Results
🚥 Former NFL & NBA Executive and WHY Coach of the 49ers
🚥 Set an all-time Super Bowl revenue record
🚥 Took a Jerry Maguire leap from sports, to graduate from career to calling
🚥 Advisor to Fortune 500’s, Pro Athletes, and High Growth Founders
🚥 Led a $3B leadership development laboratory
🚥 Featured in USA Today, ESPN, NBC, Entrepreneur, and Fox Business
🚥 Clients range from Zoom, Amazon, Johnson & Johnson, and NASA to the Lakers and Cowboys
🚥 Proudest titles: father, husband, son, Trojan, and Wolverine
🚥 Bacon lover, just don’t make it too crispy
🚥 Got married on the field of Levi’s Stadium (her idea, I swear!)

Paul's Personal Values

Values are who you are. Your truth, apology-free.

Our values are our biggest green lights, where our head and heart align and our hands follow.

These are Paul’s values. What are yours?


Now that you know more about Paul’s WHO and WHY, here’s a bit about WHAT he’s done.

About Paul

Paul Epstein is a former high-level executive for multiple NFL and NBA teams, and a 2x bestselling author of The Power of Playing Offense and Better Decisions Faster. In 2022, he was named one of SUCCESS magazine’s top-thought leaders that get results — alongside names like Tony Robbins, Brené Brown, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Mel Robbins. His work has been featured on ESPN, NBC, Fox Business, and in USA Today.

Today, Paul is on a mission to help individuals and organizations WIN MONDAY. As the leading speaker on confidence and driving growth, he brings an always-on-offense mindset to a world that’s increasingly playing defense.

It’s his message and game-changing perspective on-stage that’s made Paul an award-winning keynote speaker, with his impact continuing off-stage providing leadership development and culture transformation programs for companies and teams including Amazon, Disney, Johnson & Johnson, the LA Lakers, and the Dallas Cowboys.

Beyond work, Paul cherishes time with his family (a tribe of 4), and has a slight obsession with bacon—just don’t make it too crispy.

High-Impact Segments

Paul's Philosophy on Business

It's All About the "Why"

Living Everyday With Purpose

What It Means to Play Offense

Keynote Transformations

The Platinum Rule of Leadership

Work With Paul

To learn more about Paul’s keynotes and workshops, or to inquire about 1:1 coaching, set up a call or fill out the inquiry form below.

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Driving Impact:  How Paul Helps Transform Organizations

Beat Burnout and Turn Down High Turnover
Discover Your Why. Rediscover Your Authentic Power.
Tap Into Your Talent Like Never Before
Stop Playing Defense. Start Playing Offense.